CREWORKS Ultrasonic Cleaner Titanium Steel 6L Industry Heated Heater With Timer

The Solution to Stubborn Grime. T his 6L ultrasonic cleaner machine by Creworks has 180W of power, a heater, timer, dual mode, and a digital control panel for easy use, making heavy duty auto & machine parts or delicate retainers & dentures look as good as new. D egas mode quickly removes gas bubbles in solutions and porous objects, making cavitation more effective, while the built-in powerful heater (500W) speeds up the cleaning process, blasting away the grime. Handles Small & Delicate Belonging with Care. G entle mode halves ultrasonic cleaning machine's power, protecting fragile surfaces of circuit boards, Invisaligns, rings, and necklaces while removing stain and dirt. Designed for Comfort and Lasting Use. W ith 304 stainless steel seamless tank and basket, this ultrasound cleaner is food-grade safe and lasts for years; plus, the inset handles and the top cover are widened for more comfort.
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